Mined since the late 1800s, many fortunes have been made and lost in Sapphire. The area is known for its laidback lifestyle and casual charm.
Things to Experience
Fossicking – buy a fossicking licence online here or by phoning MyMines (07) 3199 8133 (have your email address handy when you call) and then choose from one of these locations to go on a treasure hunt:
- Big Bessie β sapphire-bearing shallow wash covers most of the area. It has been extensively worked but there are still patches of undisturbed ground that are likely to contain sapphires.
- Graves Hill – green, yellow and blue sapphires have been found in the shallow wash that covers more than half of the 116-hectare area.
Sapphire Gemfields Wetland Reserve Get in touch with nature as you walk through 98 hectares of pristine bushland and seasonal wetlands. The reserve has 3.6 kilometres of walking and cycling tracks, seating, a restored historic fossickers home, board walk, viewing platforms and bird watching hide. Explore More here.
Photo Opportunities If you love a fun photo op, then The Big Ring, Big Spanner, and Big Pick and Shovel can all be found in and around Sapphire.
Point of Interest: FW Schlieffen was a piano tuner who drowned in a swollen creek in 1906. Floodwater made for a difficult burial, in fact holes had to be drilled into the coffin so it would sink into the grave and allow FW Schlieffen to rest in peace. Rest he did without a plaque for 94 years until 2000 when two plaques were placed on his headstone.
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