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Volunteers we thank you!

I have just had the pleasure of attending the Springsure Federation Woolshed Information Centre Volunteers Week celebrations. Twenty-Two Visitor Centre volunteers from Emerald, Duaringa and Springsure were presented with certificates and badges in recognition of the great community work that… Read more

Lifestyle and Visitor Guide is here!

After setting such high expectations and eagerly awaiting the arrival the Central Highlands Lifestyle and Visitor Guide, it has arrived. You can check out the digital version here but the Guide will also be available at Visitor Information Centres across… Read more

Open for business – experience the Central Highlands

Now that the weather has settled down, flood levels along the coast are starting to drop and major arterial roads throughout the region are open, there is one message that we should all be putting out there at every opportunity:… Read more


Hot off the press, almost! I’m pleased to say that the 2017-18 Central Queensland Holiday Visitor Guide is just about to go to print, with delivery expected just before Easter. Copies will be made available upon request to all operators…. Read more


This month’s Season 2017 Launch: Tourism Industry Forum was well-attended, with close to 50 representatives from across the tourism sector including operators, RTOs, and the Central Highlands, Rockhampton, and the Isaac Regional Councils. A key message of the presenters, which… Read more

Celebrating our Woolshed Visitor Centre Volunteers, Springsure

Volunteers week has just finished and the Woolshed Visitor Centre in Springsure was the place to be last Friday. The celebration in recognition of the Volunteers, the hours that they contribute, the local knowledge and passion that they convey to… Read more

Celebrating Our Volunteers

Well it’s Volunteers Week and on behalf of the CHDC and the Central Highlands Visitor Information Centre Coordinator staff, Sally and Jane, we think it is most opportune to offer a huge and resounding thanks to all of our valued… Read more

Central Highlands sells assets to Sydney

The Central Highlands Tourism Development Officer has been on a mission to put the region front-of-mind for thousands of Sydneysiders. Peter Grigg operated a Central Highlands promotional stand at this month’s NSW Caravan, Camping and Holiday Supershow, an annual event… Read more


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